Game Guide Wushu 9yin wulin GoonTang

Wanderer's Valley PvP Set Summaries

1:30 AM # Wushu # 0 comments
Wind-Catching Blade: Wanderer's Valley doesn't have a traditional combo like other schools. There are skills that definitely train well into each other, but discretion is key in keeping yourself alive, and becoming predictable will kill you in 100% of situations.
Typically you'll want to open fights by frame-cancelling the enemy with your chase, or failing that, if you can block their attack you'll be able to follow it up with a block break and your Lightning Speed Strike knockback.
If you manage to knock them back, you have two choices: You can either use a chase to deal extra hits, or you can use your frontal AoE to disable them, though if the server shits itself you're more likely to just whiff at air because they're behind you. Immediately after this you need to get out and use ranged attacks.
If the enemy is hyper-aggressive, use your ranged attack until you can trigger bonus damage (You shouldn't be using 1st inner, hth) or stun them with a combo, in which case you have the opportunity to go all-out on them. If you have the 3rd inner do this to try and regain some health if you can. if you have the WCB meridian combo (which you very well should) you should get very good at using it. Feint into knockback is disgustingly effective, especially after your feint is level 6 where it picks up a 0.5 second stun. Also get good at chaining that into a goose to increase it's range even more.

Bone Corrosion Palm: This set isn't great in single pvp, (IGNORE THE PREVIOUS SENTENCE, IT'S VERY WRONG) This set is all about getting as many DoTs on people as you can then laugh as their health melts away. On top of that it has one of the best anti-airs in the game with it's ability to be used both on the ground and in the air and a stun from the bottle. You should be making people fear to jump around you as much as they do around beggers. Once you do knock them out of the air drop a bottle on their heads and if your latency isn't ass you should have enough time to go in for one free hit if you're semi-close. The bottle is great for zoning people or just locking them down if you get good at reading where people are going. Also most of the server is dumb and has no idea how to fight this set so eight times out of ten they will just walk out of the cloud and get stunned. The set really starts to shine at level 6 and 7 when the rage picks up yellow armor and the bottle gains a flying skill lock down. Use them. The meridian combo is also really good as feint into charge melts both their health and IF at once and sets them up for the parry buff/charge debuff knocking them on their ass. Learn when to go in hard and when to drop bottles on them and plink at them with the anti-air from range and you'll do well. NOTE: using 'sound of breaking bones' on someone trying to airdash away is so satisfying words cannot describe it. Have it on your bar somewhere.

Perish Blade: Low levels: Don't. Just don't. You have no health and no disable, you'll get two-shotted and then bitch about other classes being OP. Pretty much this, you don't have much of a chance. If you do insist on using this in PVP I have had extremely limited success with this, by using wind-catching to build rage, put them under shock, switch to Perish, hit Plague Gods Wrath, use the charge attack, and just spin to win at them, retreat and do it all over again. The logic for this, is Plague Gods Wrath will knock them down, then use your charge attack to close the gap, then use spirit leaves the body and don't look back. If you are lucky you won't be CC'd because while you are using spirit leaves the body while under the effects of plague gods wrath you are immune to knock backs, stuns, etc. Unless of course they hit you in the tiny gap between it. If you are even luckier you have the second internal set which will lock their skills for two seconds after hiting the third spin to win, which may give you a chance to back off and do it again. Really only use this if you have your third internal.

High levels: Somehow get stacks up before you start the fight, hit your rage asap, spam charge and dark poison whenever they're up. I guess if your latency is better than mine you can parry break too. You do enough damage and steal enough health that you don't really need skill. It's great for duelling, pretty good for group pvp (throw in the frontal cone attacks instead of the charge) but pretty useless for world solo, since people can just run away and you can't stop them. Note: The meridian combo for Perish makes the rage invisible. It is hilariously effective.

Perish blade is arguably the best PvE style in the game. It's unbelievably good solo and it's great lategame too since the health steal tops you off and the fast attacks trigger mangle constantly. Once you get into your 3rd internal you can solo pretty much any martial (or before, if you want to use buff food/potions).

Groups: (GCC hell,PCV normal/hard/hell, LMI): keep rage up if possible but don't scatter the shit out of trash, it'll just slow things down. If you're one of those retarded AOE bosses, find out how much it hits for, look at your health total, and decide whether you want stacks up or not. Remember that mostly you're there to trigger mangle, and if you're dead you're not doing that. Otherwise just spam feint/spirit leaves/charge/Poison and keep your rage up.

Solo: Keep stacks up, run around and grab things (however many you want, it really doesn't matter - you can only hit 10 things at a time ), hit the rage asap, and start spamming Spirit Leaves. Hit Dark Poison whenever it's up, too. If you're fighting a boss, use the charge every time you can, because it gives about 10x as much chi as the spam does. Remember that having the rage up gives Spirit Leaves super-armour. If you're getting staggered too much while you're pulling, get rage up first, then pull big. This will also help because you can use an initial Poison cast to get some health back. Generally the lifesteal from rage+3rd internal will be fine to keep you up - sometimes if you're feeling threatened (eg Lady Ji (IIRC) - the Killers Manor boss who puts the stacking 100dps DoT on you) you can use Evil Ghosts fight, but generally you shouldn't need it.

You will need one of the IF parry skills to do this effectively - either Rhino Watches the Moon or (preferably) Turn Weapon Around. TWA is amazing and if you plan on doing any PVE you should be saving for it.

Weapons: 10% to weapon skills aren't that important for us, since they stack additively and you'll be doing +300% damage once fully buffed. So, when looking at a weapon, a +14-21 damage weapon with +13 dam and +20% to Spirit Leaves gives you +320% (113-142) but a +14-21 with +26 damage gives you 160-188. If you do get +10%s, get them to the charge since that's going to be your main source of chi.

The following comments are for really low level stuff only; PB can be hard to use before you get into high second/mid 3rd internal because of our low health, so maybe try this stuff: Note this is only for martial instances up to atleast Tiger Roaring Villa, and Regular Twilight Village:

Wind Chasing Blade You really don't wanna use them against trash, your team ends up yelling at you for knocking them around and reseting the boss. Against Bosses, sometimes you can get away with it as long as you use your lightning strike and charge attack judiciously and not reset the boss. All in All you are better off using the third set. If you really want to use this, be aware that jumping then targetting Lightning Speed Strike won't knock things back (it does a targetted AOE instead).

Bone Corrosion Palm You should be using this style 100% of the time, till you get Perish Blade. Lead with the bottle, slap them with poison fist, and then alternate between all of your attacks except for the charge attack. Killing mobs is great if you master this ability.

Perish Blade You should be using this 95% of the time when you get it and start leveling it. Your bread and butter is going to be stack Poison Destroys Wood to the highest level you have, drag a few mobs, Use Spirit Leaves the Body to build Rage, hit plague god and kill all of those puny mortals who dare defied you! If you are using the First Internal and you time it to coincide with the damage buff for multiple hits Poison Destroys The Wood can be a 500 damage melee ranged AOE. Pretty damn handy. You'll be able to tank most bosses, except for bosses that rely on damage over time effects, or The Second TV Final Boss, in which you'll die to "THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH" if you get caught. You should be judicious in your use of Plague god as it does do knock back and you'll get yelled at by those puny mortals who need every other team mate to kill mobs, even though you're doing something like 200 damage a second in a frontal cone, while under the effects of plague god and dark poison.

For GCC: Use Bone Corrosion Palm until you level the second internal to way past 18. The trash just hit wayyyy too hard, and the bosses will one shot you 95% of the time or you'll get yelled at for doing knock backs.
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Wushu GoonTang Clan 9yin 2goons1liang

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